Okay, so I know it has been forever since I have updated my blog. I haven't felt like writing much. I'm sorry. We are staying busy every day and honestly, it's been hard to make the time for the blog.
We have lots of news around here though. First: the less exciting news. (I'm going to make you read the whole dang blog before I tell you the big news.)
Carissa has been really into starting conversations lately. She'll say "I have a new baby cat." or "I have a boo-boo." She really wants everybody to know about the cat and the last time she got a scratch or a mosquito bite. She is funny and sneaky. She doesn't always tell the truth and when Maleah tells on her for lying she says "Sissy call me lie, lie, lie!!!" We have had a lot of conversations about what the truth is, what a lie is, etc. She doesn't seem to care.
Maleah has been doing swimming lessons this month and has improved tremendously over just a short period of time. Her teacher says that she has a "perfect kick" and she her strokes have gotten a lot better. She loves to swim and is getting pretty good at it. We are very proud of her. She is getting very excited about 1st grade and is actually ready for school to start. She misses her friends and is excited to see who her teacher will be. Both of the girls have amazing tans going on. It doesn't take too many times in the pool or too many rides in the convertible, even with sunscreen, for both of the girls to have a glowing tan. I think Carissa's hair is blonder than ever too.
Speaking of the convertible, I have officially changed her name from Elle Woods to Sally. Whenever I mentioned Elle Woods in conversation, it sounded like I said Elwood. And honestly, not too many people remembered Elle Woods from Legally Blonde and then I had to explain it. So one day I heard the Mustang Sally song and was like "why didn't I name my car that??" So I changed it. There was no paperwork at the courthouse to complete or anything so it all happened pretty quick (like in one second).
In other Carissa news, she can now ride a scooter like nobody's business. She rides Maleah's old scooter through the house and she is every bit as good on one as Maleah was at the age of two. They amaze me on those things. I need to take some pictures of it.
So that is pretty much all of our "little news" and here is our big news: Mini Cooper #3 is due in March. Yay! We are so excited! I am not very far along yet but my due date is March 22, Maleah's 7th birthday. Carissa's birthday is March 26 so if this baby comes the week it is supposed to it is going to be a crazy week for birthdays in our house. But for all of you who actually know me, know that I never have my babies when they are supposed to be here. They are always early. This is the first baby to actually be due in March (Maleah was due in May, Carissa in April) so the chances that it is born in March aren't really that great. We'll see though. Right now, I am very tired, very hungry, and nautious, which is not a good combination. The extreme heat that we're having is not helping. Even though I don't feel very good I am still happy to be blessed with another baby.
That is really all I can think of for today. I have had some complaints about not enough blog updates so I promise I will do better, especially since I'll have much more to report on now. See, just when I was running out of good writing material on my Mini Coopers, God sent me another one.
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago
Yay! A new blog :0)