We have been so busy but it has been great. I like being busy. Especially with fun December activities. Like traveling. And birthdays. And snow. And shopping. And wrapping. And Christmas movie watching.
Maleah and I recently took a one day trip to Chicago on the train. We went with my Aunt Patty and a group of people from Flora. Our train was supposed to leave Effingham at 5 a.m. It was a little icy and snowy that morning so we woke up at 3:30 a.m. so that we could leave Flora by 4 a.m.! We got to the train station and waited and waited only to find out that our train had been delayed by two hours. We went to breakfast at Denny's, came back to the station and found out the train had been delayed by
another two hours. Our train was
four hours late and we left Effingham at 9 a.m. All I could think was that we could have slept a whole lot longer if we had only known. Maleah loved the train. She thought it was very exciting.
We arrived in Chicago about 1 p.m. We grabbed a cab and headed to the American Girl store. Maleah was super pumped. She had been to the one in St. Louis before but it doesn't even compare to the one in Chicago. I surprised her by letting her have one of her Christmas presents early and she got the Caroline doll from American Girl. She was thrilled! She had brought her other American Girl doll, Mia, with her and Mia got her hair done. After that store, we went to the Lego Store next door. I was amazed by the Lego creations in there! Wow! We had a quick bite to eat afterwards and then walked a couple doors down to the Hancock Building. We went to the top of the building and looked out over the city and the lake. It was beautiful and a lot of fun. Then we grabbed another cab and went to the State Street Macy's - which is my all-time favorite Macy's ever! I got some Christmas shopping done and then it was time to head back to the train station. Our time in the city was only six hours long because of the delay. That six hours went by so fast. Our group leader had checked with the Amtrak and was told that the train was on time. Was it really? Nope. We got back to the station and found out that it was delayed - again. We could have shopped longer! Boo to Amtrak! We finally boarded and left Chicago a little after 9 p.m. When we made it back to Flora it was nearly 2:30 a.m. Our butts were dragging to say the least! Maleah was such a trooper. She didn't complain a bit until after 2 a.m. when she was half-asleep, cold, and worn out. It was a fun trip and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The only downside was the fact that the trains were delayed. If they would've been on time, the trip would have been perfect.

Maleah on the train headed to Chicago.
Me and my big girl
Maleah upon arrival at American Girl
A cityscape made out of Legos
Maleah and a Lego girl
Lego Santa
Life-size Lego Avenger (I think that's what he is)
The view from the top of the Hancock Building
Maleah at the Hancock Building
Maleah pretending to be a window washer
This was a scene to have your picture taken it, so that it looks
like you are on scaffolding.
It was a beautiful view.
This was the big tree on the 7th floor of Macy's.
It was in The Walnut Room restaurant.
We ate supper right here.
The Sugar Plum Fairy came to visit our table while
we were there. She was so sweet to Maleah.
Maleah and Caroline at the train station
ready to head home.
It was freezing in there!
Silas turned the big two years on the 11th. I can't believe he is already two. We had a small birthday party for him at the Depot in the train room a few days before his actual birthday. He had won a birthday party there last year but it was about a week after his 1st birthday. We took a raincheck on that offer and used it this year instead. It was sort of like a surprise party because he had no clue that we were having a party for him. He was at home taking a nap while the girls and I went up to the depot to decorate. His Dad brought him to the party a little while later. It was decorated and guests were starting to arrive. He loved all of the attention. He had a chocolate cake with chocolate icing because he loves chocolate. He got a lot of nice gifts and had a fun day.
On his actual birthday we had a small cake at home and we sang to him again. He also got to unwrap his presents from us. We gave him two things: a popcorn tin and a new scooter. My kids all love scooters and at our house they are inside toys. They ride them through the house constantly. The problem is that our scooters are all pink. Our sweet boy needed a blue one. Well, guess what? He opened the popcorn first and then could care less about the scooter because he was too busy eating popcorn! He loves popcorn! So, a simple $5 popcorn tin from Dollar General made him super happy. He had a great birthday.
Getting ready to open the popcorn tin
That's a nice scooter but not as cool as the popcorn.
Yummy cake made by Lora Harrison
Carissa's gift to Silas was as much change as she could find
around the house and then she put it all in a gift bag.
After he opened it, she gave him his piggy bank
and then he started filling 'er up! It kept him busy
for a couple of hours because every time he ran
out of money, we just dumped it out and
he started over.
You've come a long way baby!
Me and the Miracle Man
Silas went to the doctor on the morning of his birthday for his two year checkup. He weighed in at 30 pounds. What a big boy! He is in the 74th percentile for weight now. That is way better than the 0 percentile that he started out at! He is in the 94th percentile for height now too. I am not surprised to have another tall and skinny Mini Cooper at all. What a blessing to have a healthy little boy and to be celebrating his 2nd birthday. Thank you God for answered prayers!
Here are some pictures from his party at the depot:
Grandma Debby and Silas
Grandpa David and the birthday boy
Silas and his big chocolate cake
He kept saying "Hot!" He needed a little help blowing them out.
Pretty cute, isn't he?
Opening presents with a little help from the Cooper girls.
He loves the model trains!
Silas and his buddy Carson Smith
Chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream - could
it get any better than that?
So what else has been going on with us? Well, one day we went sledding at Charley Brown Park. It was a lot of fun. Our friends, the Roses and the Lewises were there and so was Uncle Brad, Madison, and Sophia. Uncle Brad took Carissa down the hill with him. She loved it! It was cold but we still had a great time.
Maleah in orange/gray hat, Carissa in green hat, Molly Lewis
in gray/white hat, Chad and Myra Lewis facing the camera
Casey Rose giving Carissa a push
Peyton Rose
Maleah and Madison - these two girls have so much
fun together
Brad videoed their ride down the hill. It was really cute.
Brad and Madison doing a train down the hill
Sheldon Rose
It has been a little busy around here to say the least. I almost have all of my Christmas shopping done and almost all of the wrapping done. I have been driving Maleah crazy with the Christmas movies. I love Christmas movies. She says "You are burning me out on Christmas movies, blah, blah, blah!" That's just too bad. I have been recording as many as possible and watching them whenever I am home. I love all of the Hallmark Christmas movies. She says they are all the same and they are too sappy and romantic and there is too much kissing. Ha! I also love White Christmas, The Bishop's Wife, It's a Wonderful Life, Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, The Santa Clause (1, 2, and 3), Elf, and many more. I just love Christmas time and I am making the most of this season!
Oh, and in sad news, Katie the fish died today. We got her in March for Maleah's birthday. Maleah cried. It was sort of sad. Until we went to walmart and bought two new fish. She is fine now. RIP Katie the fish.
Until next time, peeps...