Maleah is a smart and funny little girl who is also incredibly loud. She is very energetic and passionate about everything she does. She is also very loving and kind. Maleah was our "early girl" and was born 6 weeks premature. She caught up pretty quick and n
ow you can't even tell that she was early. She is one of the tallest girls in her pre-k class.
Carissa is laid-back, cuddly, and always very happy. She is the best baby ever. There is no question about that. She smiles pretty much all the time. She looks a lot like her big sister. They both look more like their dad than their mom.
Jason and I have been married for ten years. That seems amazing to me. It feels more like a few years, not really ten. We were married for five years before we decided to have a baby. I really don't even remember what we did with our time in those five years. I think we went out to eat more often. Other than that, I don't really have a clue what we did. Hmmm.
Jason is a great husband and father. He works hard so that I can stay home with the girls. He likes firearms, hunting, and fishing. He is excited about deer season this year. He loves coyote season too. I don't always understand it but I just go with the flow. He probably doesn't understand how someone could love sitting at a sewing machine for hours on end either.
I like to quilt and scrapbook when I have the time. Which really isn't all that often anymore since Carissa came along. But that's okay. I wouldn't trade her in so that I could quilt. lol! I make the time to scrapbook so that I don't get behind on either of their books. I like to go to 12 hour crops at our local scrapbook store so that I can get all caught up in one day. As long as I go to one of those every other month or so, I'm good. I can't stand for either girl's scrapbooks to be behind. It drives me nuts! I'm always afraid that if I get behind just a little bit that I'll never get caught up.
Well, that's a little information on the Coopers. So, what's new with us this week? Well, Carissa now has TWO teeth! She can't quit running her tongue over them. She's probably thinking "What in the world is in my mouth?" She does not like to eat any type of food other than her formula. She ate a little bit of sweet potatoes twice this week and that was an improvement. She spits everything I give her out. Maleah has always been a good eater. She would eat any baby food I gave her when she was Carissa's age. But maybe because she was always playing catch-up? She was so much smaller than Carissa is. I'm afraid that Carissa is going to be our picky eater.
Maleah is getting excited about going to see Miley Cyrus on Wednesday in St. Louis. We were supposed to have seen her a few weeks ago but Miley had strep throat and rescheduled her concert for this week. It should be a lot of fun! Maleah also gets to wear her halloween costume to school on Wednesday so she is going to have a really fun day that day. I'm betting that she sleeps all the way to St. Louis. But that's okay because she'll need her energy for the concert.
I'm going to try and update this blog once a week. I haven't really decided which day yet but check back for more news on the Coopers.
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