Today is the first day of November already and the time changed this morning. Why don't babies understand time changes?? Carissa always wakes up around 7:30 or 8:00; so today it was around 6:30 that she started stirring. I know I shouldn't complain though. She is such a good sleeper and sleeps anywhere between 12 and 14 hours a night. I know I'm really blessed to have such a good little sleeper but when I realized that I could've gotten an extra hour and didn't I was a little bummed.
On Wednesday Maleah got to wear her cowgirl costume to school. All of the kids wore their Halloween costumes and then the class went to a local assisted living center to sing to the elderly. She had so much fun! All of the little kids looked so cute dressed up and it was so funny to watch them all sing. When Maleah forgot the words she kept moving her mouth but wasn't making any noise. She probably thought if she did that no one (especially her teacher) would notice that she wasn't singing. But it was pretty easy to tell that her lip movements did not match up with the other kids'. So funny to watch! It was very exciting for her to be there in her costume. She couldn't hardly quit smiling. But she was also very excited for school to be out so that she could go to the Miley Cyrus concert later that night.
Right after school was out we loaded up the car and headed to St. Louis. We heard the classic "Are we there yet?" and "How much longer?" about a million and one times. She was so excited she couldn't hardly stand it. We stopped to eat supper and had a great steak dinner (her favorite). Her night had hardly begun and she was already talking about how much fun she was having.
So we finally get to the concert and decided to buy some snacks. Maleah wanted cotton candy so we bought one small cotton candy and one medium Coke. Fourte
en dollars. Holy smokes! Then we found our seats, which were on the floor. So we walked through the stands to where you enter onto the floor. At that point, a staff member checks your tickets to make sure that you actually have a floor seat. There was also a security guard standing there. The guard walks up to Jason and says "I'm sorry. You can't have that in here". Jason, holding the Coke, was about to say "Come on man, I just paid $8.00 for this Coke" but then the guard patted Jason's hip pocket on his jeans. Jason was still carrying his pocket knife and that is what the guard was talking about. Oh brother! Any one that knows Jason knows that he always has his pocket knife with him. We had both thought on the way to St. Louis that he should take it out and leave it in the car once we got there but then we got sidetracked by an overly excited four year old and it just didn't happen. His knife has a stainless steel clip on it and th
at is what caught the eye of security guard. Suddenly there were two guards and a staff member that kept saying "Oh my God! Thank God you saw that! Oh no!" over and over very loudly. Errrr. The guards ended up confiscating his knife. Errrr. But they told him that if
he found them after the show, Jason could have it back.
The opening act started and it was LOUD!! Jason and I both wore earplugs. Maleah refused. The first act lasted a little over an hour. By that time Maleah was about ready to go and Miley hadn't even gotten on stage yet! She sang four songs and Maleah was asking if we could go yet. It was after 8:00 (her bedtime) and the noise was driving her nuts. So we left at 8:30. We heard Miley sing 4 songs. Maleah loved her though. She loved screaming for her and watching her dance but all in all she had had enough. So in hindsight, maybe four is too young for a concert? Or maybe next time we should go to an afternoon concert (is there such a thing?)and show up for the main performance and skip the opening act? Jason's knife was returned to him about fifteen minutes after the show started. Apparently the security guard could tell that Jason was no threat and was simply a Dad who was holding his four year old up high so she could see. But FYI, if you take a knife to the Scotttrade Center, it will get confiscated. : )
Friday and Saturday included a lot of trick-or-treating, a hyper four year old, and my mom's world famous homemade donuts. Here is a picture of my two trick-or-treaters. Maleah as a cowgirl and Carissa as my little snowman girl. We definitely had a busy week but it was
The girls look so cute in their costumes!