Big news in the Cooper household. Ready? Maleah has a loose tooth!!! She is so excited! She told me earlier today (Monday, July 26th) that her tooth hurt her. I asked her which one and she pointed to it. I was busy at the time and didn't have a chance to get an up-close look at it. I told her that maybe that meant that it was going to become loose soon. Well, then later tonight she said "Mommy, my tooth really hurts." So I said "Let me see it.". Oh my gosh!! That thing is so loose, it's barely hanging on in there. I think she'll lose it in the next day or two. It is so gosh darn cute. I can't believe she is old enough to lose teeth! So here is a picture of her loose tooth (bottom, right center). By the way, thank you to Aunt Angie who bought her a special tooth fairy pillow back in May. Maleah has it out and ready to use at a moment's notice.
More teeth news. Carissa has two new ones. Molars, in the back. She laughed the other day and I was like "oh my gosh, there's two new teeth back there!". They snuck in on me. I didn't even know she was getting them and then boom! They're in all the way. So I have one losing teeth and one gaining teeth.
Jason and I, neither one have any teeth news to report. Thankfully we haven't lost any and aren't getting any.
Okay. The suspense is killing you, isn't it?? Well, here is a picture of my new ride - a new-to-me Mustang convertible. It fits the four of us perfectly and is super fun to drive. I told Jason that if I got one it had to be a 5-speed like the Capri and that was all I cared about. He said all he cared about was that it was V8 and that we stayed in our price range. Well, then it turned into I wanted black or white. Then it turned into he didn't want tan interior. Then I axed the black and said it had to be white. Well, before we knew it the Mustang that we wanted was hard to find because we had so many qualifications for it to be "the right one". We found three in the United States that were for sale. The closest one was in Jefferson City, Missouri. That is the one that we bought. And I love it!!! Apparently, Ford thinks that most white Mustangs will be bought by women and most women would not want a 5-speed. They must because 99% of white mustangs are automatics. I'm getting ready to "girly" it up too. A little pink makes everything better, right??
Maleah was so funny in the car the other day. She told her Dad that he was a good driver but I wasn't really. Jason stuck up for me and said that I was a very good driver but that it just took me a few days to get used the gears being so much closer together in the 'stang than in the Capri. Maleah then said "Okay! But if she wrecks it, I'm not payin' for it!". Lol.
Carissa likes to say "NO!" now. It's cute and funny now but it's going be annoying later I bet. She's turning into quite the little parrot. She repeated a lot of things today that she hasn't said before. They weren't all that clear but I could tell what she was saying. Maleah will holler for me and say "Mom!!" and Carissa will echo her in the exact same tone and everything and say "Mom!!" exactly like Maleah. Funny stuff.
Poor Carissa. She had her vaccinations today. Three shots in one thigh and two in the other thigh. I hate that for her. It broke my heart to do it to her. I just kept telling myself that it is so much better than her being sick. She didn't cry much when they did it. She was so tough and so not like her sister. But she cried later in the day and I could tell that she just didn't feel good. I just rocked her and rocked her and she just cried and cried. It was no fun for either of us but it didn't last long (thanks to Motrin - is that on my list of best inventions ever??). I just kept thinking about all of the mothers who have rocked sick babies who didn't have Motrin or anything to give their babies. How terrifying and sad would that have been, not knowing if they would get better? We are so blessed and half the time we don't even realize it.
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago