Thursday, July 1, 2010

One Sleeping Girl and One Possum

Hey all! I hope you are all having a lot of summer fun. I know my girls have sure been staying busy with fun summer activities.

Maleah had a tumbling meet a few weeks ago.  It was a "fun meet" and wasn't actually a competition.  All of the little girls got a trophy and Maleah had a lot of fun.  Carissa on the other hand, not so much.  She wasn't into sitting still and watching Sissy perform.  She would've much rather been down there on the floor running around.  Here are some pictures from the tumbling meet.
My Mom and Dad went camping at Rend Lake and we went down to visit them. It was a long drive for the girls and they fell asleep in the car. They both have a tendency to put their favorite blankets over their heads to block out the light when they get tired. Here is a pic of my sleeping beauties.

Maleah has been into posing for the camera lately. So here are some pictures of her making some faces and some of her poses.

We got our new dishwasher put in and it works great! But I think the best part about it was the big box that it came in. My girls (and the neighbors and some friends) all got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Carissa liked to drink her milk in it every morning. Maleah made it into a playhouse so here are some cute pictures of them and the box.

Maleah is really into her swim lessons and is still doing awesome. She improves every week and is really impressing me. She has also been practicing riding her bike without training wheels this week and is doing great. I am so proud of her! She learned a few weeks ago but was really nervous and hardly ever wanted to ride her bike. BUT, she got over that and has been riding every day this week. I had promised her a new bike if she got good enough to ride up and down the street without me helping. And she did it! So she got to go to Walmart and pick out a new bike! It was the first time she got to pick one out since we have always been lucky enough to have some bikes passed down to us.

My Mom and Dad celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this past week. That's pretty awesome, isn't it? Congrats Mom and Dad!!

One day Carissa fell asleep on the floor.  This has only happened twice.  So I said, "Oh my gosh!  She's so cute laying there on the floor asleep.  I'm going to take her picture!".  So Maleah (a little jealous) decided that she would lay down and fake sleep too so that she could be in the picture.  So here's a picture of one sleeping girl and one possum.  Note the matching outfits.  How cute is that???

Carissa's favorite things to say this week is "Whirrzzz ma sisterrr" (Where's my sister?") and "Whirzzz ma dada?" (Where's my dada?), "uh-oh!" and "Whoa!!!". It's so cute to hear her talk. She has such a sweet little voice.

Maleah has been super funny lately and I'm trying to think of all of her "blogworthy" moments but a few of them I promised her I wouldn't tell anybody. She even came to me in tears one night with a confession that she thought I would be upset about it. You could tell it was just eating at her that she had done something, that in her mind, was wrong. It was the silliest little thing that wasn't anything to worry about. Poor thing. She has worried herself sick about something that didn't even matter. Here's something funny, the other day she was playing with someone and told them "I'm the next Taylor Swift, don't you know?". Crack me up! She is getting super excited about the thought of picking out school supplies. That excites her way more than the idea of actually going to school. That's how I always was too. I guess she gets that from me. 

Jason is gearing up for a birthday in a couple weeks.  I think it's a sign that you have a really awesome husband when he gets a hand written birthday card from the jewelry store.  Last year for his birthday I got a new car.  I can't wait for his birthday this year.  lol. 

I went to Bike Club tonight and we had a really awesome ride!  My brother Brad planned a "trivia ride".  There was probably about 15 or so riders and we rode about 9 miles around town.  There were clues and hidden prizes on the route that we had to look out for.  Then at the end of the ride we all met and had a quiz over what we had seen/done on the ride.  It was really hard!  Some of the questions were "how many left turns did you make?", "how much was the price of diesel at Hucks?", "what was the Friday night special at the restaurant?", etc.  I won a water bottle and a lottery ticket.  Keep your fingers crossed that it's a winner. 

Have a great Independence Day everybody!!!

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