Sunday, December 19, 2010

Colds, Cookies, and Big Girl Beds

I mentioned the other day that Jason and Carissa had colds.  Well, Jason is doing a lot better but Carissa is not.  She is still sick and runs a fever off and on, has a major runny nose, and watery eyes.  She was doing better for a couple of days but now she is as bad as ever again.  What is up with that?  I think I am taking her to the doctor tomorrow.  Maleah is getting it now too.  She is coughing and has complained about her throat hurting.  And the icing on the cake is that I have it as well.  When I get a cold though it doesn't affect me the same as the others.  When they get runny noses and coughs, I lose my voice.  It happens every single time!  Errrr! Right now I can only whisper.  No one can hear me and it is majorally annoying.  I really feel pretty good, I just can't talk.  I really really really really really don't want any of us to be sick at Christmas.  I hope this is all gone by then!  Say a prayer for us please.

Yesterday was a fun day.  I spent the day helping at the Feed 500 Project at our church.  Shani and Morgan VanHyning had been challenged to organize a big meal and feed 500 people and they did it!  These two high school girls were in charge of the whole thing and they did an amazing job!  It required lots of planning and lots of work but they did it.  I volunteered to help in the kitchen and I spent the day making mashed potatoes.  Lots and lots of mashed potatoes!  It was fun and I had a good time serving with the other women in the kitchen.  It was great to see so many people pull together and do something for the community.  (I still had my voice yesterday, so that was good.)

What else is new with us? Well, a certain present for a certain someone in our family has still not been delivered to our Walmart and I am starting to freak out about that. I still have tons of presents to wrap. Jason has a few things to put together. I have thought of a few things that I still need to go buy. I hope I can get all of this done in the next week!

The big news for the week is that Carissa is now in a big girl bed. She figured out how to crawl out of crib. She actually half-crawled out, half fell out. She hit the floor HARD, flat on her back, and scared me half to death. So, that was the end of the crib. She cried when her daddy took it apart and moved it out of her room the next day. I think she was confused, plus she just didn't feel good. We moved in the twin bed and she loves it! She was so very very excited that she has Dora sheets on her bed now and she cried when I covered them up with the comforter. So, for now she is sleeping with Dora sheets and a Dora blanket and that is it. No pretty comforter but that's okay. She loves it. And if she's happy and sleepin', I'm happy and sleepin'.

Carissa before she realized that the crib was leaving for good.

Carissa in her new big girl bed!!!!

We had two snow days this past week and on Thursday our friends Bethany, Belle, and London came over to spend the day with us.  We made Christmas cookies and had lots of fun.  Maleah and Belle are the same age and have a great time together.  Carissa and London are the same age and they have fun too.  It was a fun day.  Here are some pics of the girls decorating their cookies.

Have a great week-before-Christmas everybody!!

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