Carissa had a great first Christmas. She is so loving and was genuinely happy to see all of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family and friends. She is crawling pretty good now and is so proud of herself. Here's a pic of her ready to take off.
We celebrated Christmas Eve with the Coopers at Grandma Sherrel's and Grandpa Clarence's. We had a nice birthday party for Jesus and had a yummy peanut butter birthday cake. After supper and cake we opened gifts. Maleah was so excited! Her favorite gifts were a really cool baby hospital bed for her baby dolls, a doctor/veterinarian dress-up outfit, and a matching M&M pillow and throw. Everyone knows Maleah loves M&Ms. Here are Maleah and Carissa with Aunt LuAnn.
Here is the cake that Sherrel made.
Carissa had a great time there too. She got a cute little baby doll to play with from Grandma and Grandpa, along with some other things that she didn't really care about at that moment. She also got a super soft little puppy that she liked a lot too from Uncle Craig and Aunt LuAnn. My favorite gift was her diamond ring from Craig and LuAnn. It looked so pretty on her little finger. I hope she wears it as well as Maleah used to wear hers!
Christmas morning at our house was great! Carissa woke up about 7:30 and we finally had to wake Maleah up at about 8:30. She walked into the living room, took a look at the tree, and said "Yep. He was here." She was real calm and matter-of-fact about it. Of all days, she woke up with a runny nose and a little bit of a cold. So she was a little grouchier than usual. Not a good day for that to happen! But after she got to opening some presents she cheered up pretty quick. She loved everything. Santa brought her some Inspector Hector Dirt Detector handsoap and put it in her stocking. She had been searching stores for that stuff for months. She saw an ad for it in Parenting magazine and wanted it. It's kind of hard to find. But luckily, Santa knew where to get it. ; ) She got an American Girl doll that is called a Bitty Baby, because it looks like a newborn, rather than some of their other dolls who look like older girls. She calls it the "Coming Home Baby", although I'm not real sure why. I thought she would be so head over heels over that baby that Mackynzie would go to the wayside. That didn't happen. So far Mackynzie is wearing all of Bitty Baby's clothes and using all of her stuff. Bitty Baby (and a few other cute babies that other people gave to Maleah) is sitting in the corner of Maleah's room looking a little lonely. Why I buy expensive toys, I don't know. Every time I do, it doesn't get played with. The cheaper the gift, the more she likes it.
I didn't really expect Carissa to get into unwrapping her gifts. It's a good thing I didn't or I would've been disappointed. She could've cared less. She wasn't even into the wrapping paper or boxes too much. She did get excited about some of her gifts after they were unwrapped and out of the packaging. She got some bath toys in her stocking that she particularly liked. And she got a baby that looks a lot like Mackynzie (a newborn Cabbage Patch) but is named Shirley. Carissa was always wanting to hold Mackynzie and there was no way that Maleah was going to let her. Maleah is pretty good about sharing but Mackynzie is off limits. So Carissa got Shirley. And she loves her. It is so sweet to watch her hug and kiss her babies. And today she added the word "baby" to her vocabulary. She was looking at a picture of a baby on a box and she pointed at it and said "baby". Then she said it again later when she looked at it so it wasn't a fluke. The girl knows what she is talking about. That makes four words now that she says. Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas morning at our house.
Here are some pictures of Maleah in her doctor/veterinarian outfit from Grandma Sherrel. She looked so darn cute in it. She loved taking care of Carissa. She gave her a shot, took her "blood plessure", and put a band-aid on her. She also doctored her babies and her bears. So cute!
After we opened presents at home, we headed to my mom and dad's for breakfast. Mom always makes homemade biscuits and gravy on Christmas morning. It was so good! Then we opened presents there. Maleah was so happy to see Grandma, Grandpa, her cousin Chloey and Uncle Brad and Nikki, Madison, and Sophia. She got some really cool presents there too. Brad and Nikki got her a very pretty Lee Middleton baby doll (currently sitting next to Bitty Baby) and Grandma and Grandpa got her some clothes for Bitty Baby (the ones that Mackynzie is wearing) and a zhu-zhu pet. She loves that zhu-zhu pet! It's name is Jilly and it is pretty darn cute. So far, she hasn't gotten it caught in her hair so that's a bonus. She got so much stuff that day it would be very wordy for me to list it all, so I won't. But thanks to everybody that gave my girls a gift! We appreciate it and it will eventually get played with. Carissa loved her gifts there too. But I think her favorite thing there was box that had
a picture of a baby on it. Oh well. Here is a picture of Sophia, Madison, and Maleah opening gifts.
After we left Mom and Dad's everyone fell asleep. Jason, Carissa, and Maleah were out like a light. So I got to work. The house was a disaster so I got that all cleaned up, toys somewhat put away, and all of the Christmas decorations, including the tree, put away. After that I felt a little bit better and could relax. I hate leaving, knowing that I'll be coming home to a disaster. I also made several dozen deviled eggs and did a workout video in my new Skecher Shape-Ups that Jason got me. Where did all of this energy come from? I have no idea. I haven't had any since. lol. Anyway, after everyone woke up we headed to the Oestreich Christmas. It was fun to see everyone and the girls had a good time. Here is Carissa with her Great-Uncle Timmy. She is crazy about Timmy.
We had a great Christmas. I talked a lot what a nice Christmas the girls had, but Jason and I had a pretty nice Christmas too! He did some shopping at Brinker's, so I got some new jewelry plus my new shoes. I was very happy! And he got a new drill and a new trigger from me. Neither of those things excite me but he was pretty happy about them.
It's hard to believe 2010 is right around the corner. Happy New Year everybody!
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