It's definitely been busy around here this week. We have finally finished our Christmas shopping (yay!) and I have managed to get almost all of the gifts wrapped. I am very happy about that. I also have a clean house and no laundry at the moment. Woo hoo! That will all change in the morning though, I am sure about that. It's amazing how much can be accomplished if you stay home the entire day and do not go anywhere. Today was one of those rare days when I did just that. Oh, don't think that I did without my Dairy Queen Coke though. Jason went and got one for me. Wasn't that sweet?
Maleah has only one day of school left and then she is on Christmas break. I think she will be very ready to go back in January. Just having Saturday and Sunday off is too long for her. She is very ready to go back tomorrow and will be disappointed when she finds out she is not going to go to school the rest of the week.
Our family is mourning the loss of a friend this week. Al Peacher died suddenly on Friday night. He was married to Juanita, Maleah's babysitter. He and Juanita took care of Maleah when she was a baby while I was at work. Maleah still loves to go there and visit and for the last few years has stayed there about once a month or so when I have the "day off". She loved Al very much and I'm sure the visitation is going to be difficult for her. It will be her first and it will be for someone whom she will miss a great deal. It is going to be especially difficult for the kids who are used to seeing Al on a daily basis. He loved children and was a very nice man. He was like a grandfather to the kids that Juanita takes care of.
On the brighter side of things, we have decided to let our cat Eloise back into the house. She started out as a house cat a couple of years ago, but her crazy sister Eliza Jane ruined it for her and they both got booted out. They have since lived out on the back deck but Eliza Jane recently went missing. Poor Eloise was incredibly lonely and we felt sorry for her and let her back in. She will make a good housecat I think. Maleah is very excited about it and keeps kissing her (ewww!).
Carissa is turning into a wild woman. She is getting a lot more vocal - borderline loud at times. She probably feels like she has to, to drown out her sister. And she is really getting around now. She is army crawling and just almost regular crawling. She is trying really hard to pull up to things too. She got a new crib this week. We found out her old one was recalled so we took it back and got her a new one. Hopefully it will be a safer one. Her stroller got recalled last month. What the heck is up with all of these baby products being unsafe? Makes me nervous. Earlier in the week she found a chocolate chip cookie on the living room carpet that some other little girl had carelessly dropped. She snatched it right up and was really enjoying it. I decided to move her to the couch to avoid her possibly choking on it. She gobbled that thing right up! I think she was thinking "this is the best thing I've ever eaten in my whole life!!". Here are some pics of her and the cookie and the bath that followed.
We had the Weaver Christmas on Saturday night at Round Prairie Church. It was lots of fun. There are many relatives there that we only see at Christmas time each year. This year we got to meet Daisy. She is only a few weeks older than Carissa. Her mom is Jason's cousin and they have been living in Australia for not quite a year. Daisy was born over there and none of us had gotten to meet her yet. She is a cute little thing and her and Carissa sat by each other for a little bit. I can't say they really played with each other. Mostly what happened was Daisy took Carissa's keys and Carissa yelled at her (see? wild woman...) and then Daisy would laugh. Then she would touch something else of Carissa's and Carissa would yell, Daisy would laugh. See the pattern? Apparently Carissa is selfish. The whole thing cracked me up. After our big Christmas meal, we all went into the church sanctuary and some of the kids sang. Maleah was right up there onstage singing away, but only on the songs she knew. If she didn't know the song, she sat down. I think she thought she was pretty big stuff that night.

Santa Claus came to the Weaver Christmas too. Maleah couldn't wait for him to show up and kept asking anyone who was standing next to her at the moment when they thought he'd be there. When he finally showed up, she stood far away from him and watched every other child there (well, except Carissa) go forward, sit on his lap, and wait to be handed a couple of gifts. Finally when it looked like he was done and was getting ready to leave, she ventured a little closer, insisted that I hold her hand, and got close enough to be handed a gift. I told Santa that she didn't want to sit on his lap but preferred to talk to him while standing next to me. That wasn't good enough for ol' Santa though. With that twinkle in his eye, he laughed and said "oh, come here, and tell me what you want". And she did!! The first time ever! She sat on his lap and told him a few things that she really wanted for Christmas. Unfortunately, she had never mentioned those things to me and is not getting any of them. I think she was nervous and just rambling. I'll bet she couldn't even tell you what it is she said that night. He did give her two gifts that night that made her very happy though. On Sunday, just out of the blue, she said to me "Mom, why wasn't the real Santa there?". I was surprised and said "You don't think that was the real Santa?". She said "No, that was just someone dressed up". Then I explained to her that Santa is pretty busy this time of year and that was fine with her. She seemed okay with that explanation. I guess Jason's cousin Brian didn't make a very convincing Santa Claus. 
Maleah performed in her school Christmas program on Wednesday. It was so cute! All of the kids lined up and sang Christmas songs. Maleah really got into it. She sang, danced, and was full of expression, to say the least. She looked beautiful and had her new Christmas dress on. She was so excited to see her mom, dad, sister, Grandma Debby, and Grandma Sherrel and Grandpa Clarence there to watch her. Mackynzie was also there watching. In case you didn't know, Mackynzie is her baby doll and she happened to have a matching dress on, just like Maleah's. Mackynzie has sort of taken over Clayton's place in the Cooper household. Remember Clayton? He went everywhere with us for a few months but now he is stuck in the closet (I think that's where he's at) and Mackynzie goes everywhere now. This may all change again after Santa's been here. You might want to take a good long hard look at Mackynzie because this may be the last time you'll see her. : )
This coming week should be very exciting! Christmas is going to be so much fun this year. Maleah will be a lot of fun to watch and it will be exciting to see Carissa take it all in too. We are so blessed! Merry Christmas everybody!!
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