Well, I always say that God doesn't give anyone more than they can handle. And He knew that if Maleah (aka Drama Queen of all Drama Queens) got the terrible stomach flu that we all had, that it might be a little too much for all of us to handle. So guess what?? She didn't get it! The rest of us suffered through it but she managed not to get it. Yay for all of us!!! I am so so glad. Thank you God!!!
After the rest of us began feeling better, we were all glad to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having. We have spent a lot of the past week outside. Here are a few pictures of the girls in their pink Barbie Mustang convertible. Maleah got this car for her 3rd birthday. We thought she would love it. She even thought she would love it when she picked it out on toysrus.com. Well, she didn't love it as much as she thought she would. She was actually scared to death of it. She is definitely not a risk taker and her gross motor skills have always been way behind other kids her age. So she wasn't good at steering it and pushing the gas at the same time. And she just didn't like it. Period. So it has sat in our garage for the past couple of years waiting on someone brave enough to drive it. I really thought Carissa would be the next one to drive it. But, lo and behold, Maleah decided this week that she would give it a try again. So I got it out of the garage, wiped the dust off of it, and let her go at it. I really thought she would be too tall for it now. She managed to get in it okay and took right off! So yay for Maleah! She finally has it figured out, although she still isn't a very good driver. But I know she will get better. The girls have been driving/riding around the block in it. I think the neighbors are getting a kick out of it too. Carissa enjoyed riding with her too - as long as the car was moving. If Maleah stopped, Carissa would try to get out. But otherwise she seemed pretty content. Now that I'm looking over these pictures though, I think she looks slightly terrified! Maleah and her had an agreement that Maleah was in charge of the driving and Carissa was in charge of the radio. When the song ended Carissa would push the button to make it play again. And she also liked to push the button that shows how much battery charge is left. Speaking of the battery, we can't find the charger anywhere! If anyone has an extra one, let me know!

In other news, Carissa is eating better. I am so relieved. I was getting really worried about my little one who wouldn't eat much of anything. She would cry for milk and I would give in and give it to her. But I quit doing that and let her get hungrier and she started eating more. It also helped that I've found some foods that she really loves. She really
really loves lasagna. Who knew that? Not me. She also loves Lipton noodles - especially the Chicken and Broccoli flavored ones. I found out that she does not like rice but she does like Italian Beef. I am slowly figuring this kid out. She still prefers cat food to any people food but that is usually prevented. Since she doesn't drink water very well I've started adding a little bit of pink lemonade to it and she drinks it right up. And she hates
hates hates sippy cups. She screams "baa-uhl, baa-uhl, baa-uhl!" and throws the sippy cup in her hand across the room or slams it repeatedly against the floor or the wall (whichever is closest). This leads me to think that she is a.) independent, b.) prone to tantrums, c.) stubborn, d.) not open to new ideas, and finally e.) totally devoted to her "baa-uhl" (bottle). In a few years if you see me with a four year old carrying around a Dr. Brown's baby bottle, you'll know why. Here is a picture of Carissa after eating an entire baby vanilla ice cream cone from Dairy Queen in the backseat of our car while I drove. I am a brave mama.

My little paparazzi Maleah has been at it again. I have been avoiding her camera lens, but here are a couple of funny ones she took this week. The first one is of her "boyfriend" Anden. She decided to take this picture of his picture because "I think we need more than one copy, Mom. You can keep this one hanging in the kitchen on the photo wall and I will make a copy to hang in my room by my bed." Okey, dokey. The second one is of her eraser collection. She is crazy about little tiny erasers and has several different kinds, but these flower ones are her favorites. Unfortunately, they are very small (about the size of Carissa's airway) and I have to constantly make sure she hasn't left them within reach of her sister. I've already fished one or two out of Carissa's mouth.

We had a fun weekend and went roller skating twice - Saturday night at Fairfield and Sunday afternoon at Louisville. I'm trying not to say anything bad about anyone's business, but those two places are like night and day. Maleah skates better every week and this week she was the second place winner in the limbo contest. She thought she was going to win and was very disappointed when she didn't. That girl has confidence. I'll say that about her. She
never doubted that she would win so when she didn't, she was a little bit shocked. It was her hair that got her out, actually the big hair flowers that I had stuck in her pigtails. If it hadn't been for those she would've won. Oh well. She needed a lesson in disappointment and losing.
Carissa had her one year pictures taken today by Elizabeth Keach. I can't wait to see them! Elizabeth is our neighbor and is starting her own photograpy business. She's really good and Carissa really likes her. I wish Carissa would've been a little bit more smiley but oh well. I am sure she will look beautiful anyway. My kids always choke when it comes to professional pictures. Also today, Maleah had her spring pictures taken at school. She looked cute as a bug when she left for school, so I'm hoping the pictures went well and her hair wasn't too messy. I'll post those as soon as I get them!
I hope you guys all have a great week!