Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sick kid again?? What is up with that???

Okay, so last week in my blog I was celebrating the fact that Maleah never got the stomach flu that the rest of us had.  Well, I am still happy that she never got that but now she has something else.  She got sick this morning and ran a really high fever off and on throughout the day and now tonight she keeps complaining that her throat hurts.  Uh oh.  I am suspecting strep throat.  Just thinking about it makes my throat hurt.  So am I getting sick or am I just a little bit psychosomatic?  In this case, I'm hoping that I'm just a little bit nuts.

Today was the 4th Annual Nursery World Tour, which is a day invented by my group of playgroup moms, and we travel all over the area to about 3 or 4 great nurseries and go flower/plant shopping together.  We always have a great time.  Well, I left the house this morning at 8 a.m. and dropped Maleah off at Grandma Debby's.  Carissa was going with me and Maleah was staying with Grandma until school time.  I was at nursery #1 (Amish-ran Zimmerman's Greenhouse in St. Peter, my favorite place to buy flowers!) when I got a text from my Mom telling me that Maleah had a high fever and felt terrible.  So you're probably wondering why I didn't realize she was sick when I dropped her off.  Well, it's because she is the Girl Who Cried Sick.  Almost every day when she wakes up she is whiny and tells me that she doesn't feel good and that she has a headache.  Then she has a Capri-Sun and gets woke up and watches a cartoon and then, suddenly, she's fine!  So when she told me this morning that she didn't feel good, I got her a Capri Sun and we headed out the door to Grandma's.  Ooops.  This time she was really sick!  She needed her mommy and I was way out in the country and didn't have my own vehicle to get back.  Luckily, my friend Deb's mom had met us there in her car and she wasn't going on the rest of the World Tour.  She was planning to head back to Clay County so I hitched a ride with her to Louisville.  I met up with my Dad there who was on his lunch hour and he gave me a ride back to Flora.  But I got there!  And picked up my sad pathetic little Missy Cooper and headed home with my two girls.  What a day!  It definitely didn't turn out how I thought it would. 

Carissa and I went to Evansville earlier in the week.  We had a fun day of shopping together.  She is such a good little girl!  We made it home that evening in time for Maleah's Western Night at her school.  I wish I would've brought my camera with me but I didn't.  It was pretty funny.  Maleah got to put shaving cream all over her Daddy's face and "shave" it off with a popsicle stick.  She had a blast!  It was a good thing they had baby wipes nearby, I'll say that.    She wore her cowboy boots, her cow print skirt, her Western t-shirt they made at school, and a straw cowboy hat.  Carissa had fun too and liked watching all of the other kids.  She wanted to walk all over the place, just on her knees, not on her feet.  We had to carry her the whole evening because of that and she was a little annoyed.  I told her to learn to walk and she wouldn't have to be carried as much.  She's thinking that over.  I think she'll get back to me soon.

Carissa has been adding to her vocabulary again.  New additions, since the last time I blogged them, are:  1.) Uh-oh!  This is usually said prior to her dropping something.  2.)  Dank-Doo.  If she hands you something or you hand her something she says Dank-Doo (thank you!).  3.)  Am-ma (Grandma).  4.)  Sissy or Muh for Maleah.  And on the food front, I found out that she likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  She has improved a lot just in the last two weeks! 

I found this picture of my niece Chloey when I was going through Maleah's birthday party pics.  I love this picture of her!  She is twelve now and isn't always as smiley as she used to be.  I don't think any twelve year olds are.  So, anyway, I love that she's happy and laughing here. 

I am supposed to be going to a big scrapbooking crop this weekend with my friend Holly.  I am really looking forward to getting caught up on all of my scrapbooking but now I'm a little worried I might not make it if one of us or all of us are sick.  I'm going to be praying tonight that we all wake up healthy tomorrow!!

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