Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Guess what??

Okay.  I know.  I missed a week.  I'm sorry!  But here are my excuses:  I was busy, didn't have much to report on, and I couldn't get the promised knee-walking video to work.  But, guess what?  No more excuses.   I have something to report.  Intrigued?  Read on...

First of all, I can NOT get the stupid video to work.  It has been making me very angry.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it will not show up on here.  In order to preserve my sanity, I have quit trying.  Sorry. 

Last Friday night we went to a carnival they were having downtown.  They had the street closed off  and rides set up.  Maleah loved it!  This was the first time that we went to something like that and she wasn't scared of the rides.  We bought her an armband and she rode the same rides over and over.  Her favorite ride was the dragon rollercoaster.  She loved it!  I bet she rode that thing at least 12 times.  I would've been sicker than a dog if I would've rode it once and she managed to do it over and over.  Carissa was a little less thrilled to be there.  She was tired and it was past her bedtime.  But she looked cute as a bug and hung in there for the duration.  She practiced walking that night but wouldn't let go of my finger for anything.

Carissa wore a pretty pink flower and headband to the carnival.  She did not like it, not one bit.  She does not like to wear things in her hair.  I am trying to get her used to having something on her head by forcing her to wear headbands and bows.  Aren't I awful?  So Friday night her and I went round and round about the headband.  I would put it on, she would take it off.  After like the tenth time of putting it back on her, I walked into the other room for just a minute and when I came back the headband was gone.  I looked all over for it.  It was nowhere near her.  Guess where I finally found it?  In the trash can in the kitchen!!  That little stinker!  She took it off, took it into the kitchen, threw it away, went back into the living room right where she had been, and sat there with an innocent look on her face and acting like she hadn't even moved while I had been in the bedroom.  Sneakkky!!  I won though because I put it right back on her and she wore it the rest of the night. 

On Saturday the girls and I went to Fairfield (where I bought an awesome new camera!) and on the way home we stopped at Grandma Sherrel and Grandpa Clarence's house in Cisne.  And guess what happened there?  Carissa decided to start walking!  She was standing next to me and just decided to walk across the living room to see Grandma.  Can you believe that?  Just like that.  She just decided to do it and off she went.  It was so sweet!  So she has been walking ever since.  BUT, she still prefers to knee-walk!  I guess because she's faster and more coordinated doing that but each day I think she walks a little bit more.  At least I know she can do it now!

On Saturday night we had a girl's sleepover at my Mom's house.  My Dad and Jason were out of town on a fishing trip, so us girls decided to get together.  My good friend (and my brother's girlfriend) Nikki came over with her two girls, Madison and Sophia, and then there was me, Maleah, Carissa, and my Mom.  We had a good time.  We ordered pizza for the kids but we adults had steak and baked potatoes.  It was delicious!  Then the girls made hot fudge sundaes and banana splits.  They had a lot of fun playing together and watched a movie for like five minutes.  It was a good time but I think we all kind of missed our own beds when it came to be bedtime.

Maleah is officially on summer vacation now.  Her last day of school was Friday.  She is already missing it like crazy.  She misses her friends and her teachers.  She asked me today (day 2 of summer break) "how long until fall?".  If it would warm up and quit raining she might enjoy her summer more.  Hopefully that happens soon!!!

Here are some other things that have happened around here lately.  Maleah asked if we could put Carissa on eBay.  Grandma Debby told her no, that it was illegal, and besides that, we loved Carissa, so why would we want to sell her?  I don't think Maleah answered her.  Teaching Maleah to dust the living room and clean the storm door window was the smartest thing I think I have ever done.  Since she started doing this about a month ago, she has earned this little pink couch with princesses on it.  She wanted it so badly at Walmart but I wouldn't let her get it until she had worked for it.  She is so proud of that thing!  She loves it.  The only problem is that her sister loves it too.  Carissa sits real still on it and watches tv.  I have never seen her be so still but it's like she knows that is just what you do on a couch.  Too cute! 

Maleah and Carissa will both be competing in a local pageant this weekend.  It is a fundraiser for a local charity and should be lots of fun.  So I should have lots of new pictures next week.  Here are some pictures from the carnival on Friday night.


  1. Hey, Beth! Just a thought on the video uploading...if the video is too large it will not upload. If the video is 20 seconds or less I can usually get them to upload. So, try a shorter video maybe!?!? I know we would all really like to see a video of that! Melisa

  2. Thanks Melisa! Maybe that was the problem. I'll try to shoot a shorter one. The one I had was around 30 seconds so maybe that was the problem. I'm sorry I never emailed you back. I kept meaning to! Thanks so much for the recommendations on the camera. I really appreciated that. I decided on a Nikon and I am really liking it so far. But I do miss not being able to put it into my pocket. Your latest pics on your blog were amazing!
