Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Have a Daughter Named Map

Okay.  It's been a little bit crazy around here.  Wait til you hear what I've done now...

Maleah and I went skating last Friday night.  It was a great time... until I fell.  I fell on my butt really hard.  Maleah and I were skating too close together and our skates hit each other and mine went right out from under me.  And down I went.  I didn't think I was really hurt.  I checked on Maleah (who also fell) and we skated some more.  I realized then that it hurt to skate and to pick up my legs so I went and sat down.  I visited with some friends who were there and watched Maleah skate.  I was uncomfortable but didn't start to realize I was hurt until I decided to stand up.  Ouch!  It hurt to stand.  So I told Maleah to get her shoes on and we left.  It was a long drive home.  But luckily Jason was at home that night so I called him and asked him to meet me in the driveway so that he could help me in the house.  I am so glad he was there!  I was miserable.  It hurt to move.  He wanted to take me to the ER.  I refused.  I wanted a pain pill (luckily I had some pills left from my gallbladder surgery last year) and I wanted to fall asleep and not move for a very long time. 

The next morning I was not any better and could not hardly move so off to the Emergency Room we went.  My Mom and Jason both insisted that I go.  They were afraid I had a back injury.  Mom stayed home with the girls and Jason drove me to Effingham.  I didn't really want to go but I was starting to think I must have hurt my pelvis because it hurt to pick up either one of my legs.  The ER was packed.  There were boo-koo (that means a lot in Southern Illinoisan) people in the waiting room.  There were people lined up in the hallways.  It was that packed.  Luckily (sort of) most of the people in the waiting room were one big happy family who were there waiting to see if their dad/grandpa/uncle/cousin/friend/in-law/girlfriend's grandpa/whatever else was going to be okay after a heart scare.  At least they weren't all patients waiting to be seen.  I might've thought they were a very nice family under other circumstances but they were incredibly too jolly and too dang chatty to be in a waiting room with me when I felt like crap.  They talked about everything under the sun and had tons of laughs.  They were the type of people that really enjoyed the fact that other people were listening to their conversations.  Show-offs.  It was waiting room hell.  All we were missing was a screaming sick child.  Lucky for me I had crayons and paper in my purse and passed them on to the less-than-prepared mother of a little boy who was on the verge of either crying or falling asleep.  I'm not sure which.  The parents did not want him to fall asleep because he had hit his head so that made him want to cry.  Note to self:  replace crayons in purse before I myself am that less-than-prepared mother.

Anyway, so we spent the day at the ER and we found out that I am bruised.  Who knew a bruised tailbone could hurt so bad?  Not me.  I am slowly getting better.  I kind of overdid it yesterday so I'm sore again today but I am slowly getting better.  Jason and my Mom have been a big help and have taken over most of my household duties for a few days so that I can rest and get better.  Maleah is also a good little helper to me.  I'm just glad I didn't break anything because I really would not have wanted to deal with this pain for several weeks.  Here's some pics from the skating rink before we crashed and burned.  After that point, I don't think I took any pictures.

Carissa now insists that her name is Map, not Carissa.  She will say "I'mamap!" which is I'm a map in Carissa talk.  Or sometimes when you ask her what her name is she'll add "the" to it and say "The Map."  For those of you who are not familiar with Dora the Explorer, the Map is a character on that show.  He is a map that talks and hangs out in Dora's backpack.  For some reason, Carissa has a special affection for the map and for Boots (Dora's monkey friend).  If I say "Carissa, come here please."  She now says "Map!" until I correct myself and say "Map, will you please come here?"  She will do whatever I request from her as long as I address her as Map.  It's been loads of fun.  Carissa is so darn cute!  I mean, Map is so darn cute!   Whatever!  Today she didn't want to lay down and take a nap.  She has Dora sheets on her bed and so I said "Map, Dora  and Boots want to know how to get to bed.  Can you show them how to get to bed?  First, you go into the room.  Then you climb the bed.  Then you lay down."  I repeated this over and over just like they do on the show.  She listened to every word and had this look on her face like "I have an important mission to accomplish."  It did the trick because she laid down and took a nap. 

She also loves Elmo and she has this red Elmo sock hat that she wants to wear all of the time.  The other day I noticed that she had suddenly disappeared so I tracked her down to my bedroom.  She had apparently gotten into the freezer (which she is now strong enough to open), found Maleah's leftover M&M Blizzard, then got into the silverware drawer where she discovered that she had already scattered all of our spoons randomly around the house.  She has many hobbies and spoon carrying is one of them (others include toilet flushing, removing Uppercase Living from walls, turning on the stove light, undressing herself, and hollering "PHONE!" at the top of her lungs whenever a phone rings in a restaurant, store, etc) .  So instead of grabbing a spoon she must have reached way into the back of the drawer and found a massive fork that I use when I serve ham or large chunks of meat.  Then she raced off with the humongo fork and ice cream, found a quiet little corner of my room and sat down to eat in the Elmo hat.  It was a Kodak moment to say the least.  It was funny because:  she thought she was being sneaky and she hid, the fork was huge and incredibly hard to eat ice cream from, and she had on that ridiculous Elmo hat in the middle of the day inside the house.  I didn't know maps like ice cream so much. 

So what else is new with us?  Not much really.  Maleah is growing like crazy and I can't hardly keep her in shoes or clothes that fit.  She has had some major growth spurts lately.  She is starting to look forward to summer and warmer weather.  She is also super excited about her upcoming birthday party.  She absolutely can not wait.  Her party will be at the skating rink.  It will interesting to see if I'm ready to skate again by then or not...

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