Someone should make my life a reality show. It would be titled "Chasing the Mini Coopers Through Walmart." Every time I go there I end up with really good writing material. This week Carissa and I went in for groceries. She was trailing behind me and talking my ear off. Then I heard "Eggs, Honey?" At the same time that I heard this, I was saying hello to someone who walked by. I turned around and time began moving in slow motion. "No-o-o-o," I say as I lunge toward Carissa. She had very quickly grabbed a dozen eggs and was trying to put them in my cart. In her defense, she thought she was helping Mommy. She was very disappointed when the whole carton of eggs broke into a million pieces all over the dairy aisle. I actually felt a little sorry for her because she looked so sad. But never fear, I have Walmart on my speed dial. So I whipped out my cellie and called the front desk, who then sent someone to clean it up. The older lady who had been looking at yogurt was way more worried than me. Hey man, broken eggs happen...
So after we left Walmart we headed home. I told Carissa that we would blow bubbles outside after I finished bringing in the groceries. Somehow in all of this, the bottle of bubbles got dumped all over the bathroom floor. Poor Carissa. She was having a bad day. I really think that she was just overly excited and was bringing the bubbles to me. She's always trying to help and instead just screwing things up. That mess took a lot of paper towels and a lot of mopping. And then, after that we sat down to eat lunch. I was feeding her "Noo-noo soups" which means chicken noodle soup in Honey-Speak. Somehow she knocked the bowl out of my hand and it ended up all over both of us. More paper towels were used. I am buying stock in paper towels next week. After that, she went down for a nap. Whew!
What else has been going on with us? Well, Maleah has only a few days of school left. She is so excited! She is really going to miss her teacher and her friends though. Tomorrow her class is putting on a circus for their parents. She is the tight rope walker. I can't wait to see it. I'll take pictures, I promise.
I have had a cold and haven't felt all that great. I am so ready for all of us to be healthy and stay healthy for awhile!
The play was last weekend and it was so much fun! It went so well! I can't wait to do it again. I played Grandma Grinch who got ran over by a reindeer. I should have some pictures soon. Maleah did a great job with her part too. She didn't have any lines but she was a "girl playing" and she had to pretend to play with some dolls and then run off stage. I wouldn't be surprised if she performs in plays in high school. I personally think she would do great on the Disney Channel too. I could see her having her own sitcom. But I don't want her to grow up to be a druggie/alcoholic/slut so I won't. All of those cute talented little girls on that channel seem to go down the wrong path when they turn about 18. So I think we'll skip the fame...
Maleah is going to be playing tee ball soon. I don't have a schedule yet but she is very excited about it. Her team will be sponsored by OK Automotive, which is owned by my Uncle Timmy. She was thrilled that she was on that team! Now if she only knew what color the shirts were going to be she could relax a little bit. Isn't that the most important part of tee ball - the color of the shirt? That's all she cares about anyway. Oh that, and she got a new pink ball glove. She will be stylin' and profilin' on the field, that is for sure!
I have had a daily trivia website going for several years now. It is a private game and is only open to my friends and people I know. The link used to be at the bottom of this page but I moved it up to the top. We would love to have some new players join our group. We play against each other every day. Each person gets the same ten questions and we like to see who gets the best score each day. Some days the trivia questions are easier than others. So if you'd like to give it a try, just click on the link on the right hand side of this page.
Have a great week everybody! I will post pictures of the play soon!
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago
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