Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Who's the Boss, Cooper Style

Okay, so now that the blog is pretty much up to date (have you read the last three posts?), I thought I would share with you some funny stuff that has been going on around here, a few random photos, and some updates.

Silas is doing great and is right in the middle of a language explosion.  He is starting to say everything, although a lot of it is hard to understand.  Tonight he said "Ipod."  We were all so impressed!  He calls Carissa "Sissa" and he calls Maleah "EE-ah."  It is so cute.  His speech therapy is really paying off.  He has been getting a little bit ornery though.  I think the terrible twos have hit.  He has a temper and his tantrums involve kicking, screaming, hitting the floor, throwing things, and spitting.  He can be quite the pill.  However, he hates timeouts so the threat of that is usually enough to calm him down.  But he has had some dandy meltdowns.  It's hard not to laugh.  Who said that girls had all the drama?

Carissa has also been testing me.  Apparently she thinks she is the boss.  I have to remind her multiple times a day that she is not.  That kid is going to grow up to be a CEO.  She is finishing up Kindergarten.  She is still super funny.  She makes me laugh all the time and sometimes she says something sort of deep.  Then I know that the little wheels in her head have really been turning.  Here is a recent conversation with her:

Carissa:  Mom, did you know that Dad isn't my real dad?
Me:  (super surprised) He isn't?!?
Carissa:  Nope.  God is.
Me:  Oh.  Yes, God is your father too.

A couple of nights ago she laid down next to me in bed and her pajamas read "Mommy's BFF."  I said, "Your shirt says Mommy's BFF.  That means Best Friends Forever."
Carissa:  You're not my best friend.
Me:  I'm not?
Carissa:  (very seriously) No.  Zoey is my best friend.  I had no idea she was but she told me that she was, so she is my best friend now.
Me:  Oh, okay.
Carissa:  We can be buddies though, Mom.
Me:  Good.  I would like that.

She also loves to talk about the theories around the Plague and what really happened to cause everyone to die.  There's also a good chance she will grow up to be a doctor.  She is really into the idea of helping sick people and is very nurturing and helpful when someone else is sick or hurt.

Maleah is doing great too.  She has started taking piano lessons and loves it.  She is also involved in 4H and is working on a big project for the fair this summer.  She is finishing 3rd grade.  She loves to watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch reruns on the Kindle.  She has hermit crabs and two fish tanks in her room.

Maleah finished her second 5K this past weekend.  Her and I both participated in the Run for Heaven's Sake that our church put on as a fundraiser for the youth group.  I walked it and she she walked/ran.  She got first place in her age group.  I was super proud of her.  She also stopped by our house during the run (our house was along the route) and while she was waiting for a friend of hers to catch up, she changed into shorts and different shoes.  She also got herself and two friends a glass of apple juice and then continued on the race to get 1st place.  Who do you know that can stop and change clothes and still win 1st place?  Crack me up!

Jason has been doing great.  He has been super busy building a shed behind our house.  My Dad has been helping him with it.  It is turning out great.

And me.  I am healthy, happy, and busy.  Between homeschooling, keeping house, cooking, and running the kids around, I stay pretty busy.  The next Depot Variety Show is coming up and I am in it again this year.  I am looking forward to it.  It is always a ton of fun.

Cutie Pie here doing her school work in her new adorable glasses.

These two just trying to wake up.

Silas got a new balance bike.

Other fun things we've learned this week are:  Do not roller skate while carrying a gallon of chocolate milk through the kitchen.  (Carissa!)  Do not drink bath water.  (Silas!)  Are you sure you want to buy sandals with heels?  They might hurt your feet.  (Maleah has sore feet.)

I am sure we have had a lot of other funny stuff happen around here but it is late and I can't think of any of them!  Oh well.  We all know my kids are funny, right?

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