Monday, June 30, 2014

Mother's Day and a New Baby

I had a great Mother's Day this year.  I am writing this a month and a half after the fact so I don't really remember everything about the whole day.  A few things really stand out so I will tell you about that.  After church that day we went out to eat with my Mom and my Dad and my Grandma Zelda.  Jason had to work but the rest of us all went to the marina at Forbes Lake.  It has new owners this year and we had already eaten there one other time and had a good experience.  Well, our Mother's Day experience there was one for the record books.  So, if you are thinking of going to eat there, DON'T!  Seriously, I have no idea how these people are going to stay in business.  We waited for an hour for our food.  (The place was not full. Lots of tables were empty.)  When our mediocre food finally arrived, my Dad's order wasn't right.  He very nicely said that wasn't what he ordered.  The waitress, who had been very haughty and annoyed with us from the moment we sat down, told him that it was his fault that they were out of white meat chicken (what he ordered) because "people like him" request white meat and then they run out.  "People should just take what they are given and not request white meat only."  She really said all of this.  My Dad was nice about it and she was standing there loudly griping about it all.  My Dad told her that he didn't want the dark meat and so he didn't get any food at all.  He didn't eat lunch.  And he was the one buying lunch for all of us!  The rest of us ate our food and when we were done, my Dad went to pay.  The crazy waitress told him that he was "an ass" for acting that way about the chicken.  What?  He was the nice one!  Not that my Dad is perfect, he could have totally been "an ass" to her if he hadn't used incredible restraint.  I think I would have been "an ass" to the waitress if I had heard this conversation.  I had went outside with the kids to look at a snake. Anyway, she said a whole bunch of stuff to my Dad and he calmly told her that he didn't think we would be back and you know what she said?  "Good!"  Can you believe that?  The new owner was standing right behind her, Dad said and he didn't say a word.  So what kind of owner doesn't fire someone for behavior like that?  Two kinds, in my opinion.  Someone who is a.) related to or married to the waitress or b.) someone who is, how shall I put this?  Having a "relationship" with that person.  I didn't see a wedding ring.  I have drawn my own conclusions.  This woman gets the award for worst waitress ever in my book.  Wowza!  Don't eat there people.

So after our crazy meal there we went home, Jason got home from work, and we all went to see his Mom and Dad in Cisne.  His brother Craig and his wife LuAnn were there as well.  LuAnn was pregnant and we were all kind of hoping that she would have her baby on Mother's Day.  How cool would that be?  I remarked that it didn't seem like maybe that was going to happen after all and she replied, "The day isn't over yet!"  And guess that happened later that night?  She went into labor!  She didn't have the baby that day but she did the next day.  Ashley Marie Cooper was born on May 12th, 2014.  She weighed 6 lb, 15 oz.  She is the cutest little thing.  We are all just crazy about her.
Silas doing a little tractor driving in Cisne

He loves it!

Jason and his brand new niece, Ashley

Proud new Dad, Craig and Ashley

Yours truly holding the sweet baby girl

And another one of Jason and Ashley.

Craig and Ashley at home.

The meeting of the cousins

Silas didn't like me holding Ashley very much.  He didn't want to leave my side.

Maleah's an old pro at holding babies.

Love this picture of the four Cooper grandkids!

Maleah Rose and Ashley Marie

Carissa Faith and Ashley Marie

She is so sweet!

Silas and Ashley
7 Weeks old in this picture with her first rifle.
A baby gift from us.  The Coopers love firearms!

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