Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dinner with the Duggars

This week I've had dinner with Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar and all of their kids and various members of the Gosselin family. I've went to Wal-Mart with Anna Duggar and her baby Mackynzie. And I've had to make sure Clayton was with us the whole time. But the good news is Clayton can double as Mackynzie. Wondering what the heck I'm talking about?

Maleah's two favorite shows are 18 Kids and Counting (starring the Duggars) and Jon & Kate Plus 8 (starring the Gosselins). She is constantly in a world of make-believe and pretends to be someone from one of those shows. This has been going on for probably a year now but I think it just gets funnier and funnier. She has really been into being Anna this week. For those of you that don't follow the show, Anna is married to the Duggar's oldest son. They just had a baby named Mackynzie. So Maleah has been in labor this week, delivered a baby girl, and has been taking excellent care of her, if I do say so myself.

Maleah has a baby doll that she has named Clayton (when he's not doubling as Mackynzie). She feeds him, changes his clothes multiple times a day, bathes him, etc. She will be a pretty good mommy one day. She definitely has that mothering instinct. The great thing about Clayton is that he doesn't mind wearing girls clothes at all. If fact, if you ever meet Clayton you'll notice that he is wearing something that you may have previously seen on Carissa. He's real laid-back. : )

In other news, Maleah started tumbling class this week. She loved it!!! She was so excited to get to go. I'm glad that I decided to let her do it. Last year I had sworn that she would never go back to tumbling unless she was eighteen or older. She went twice last year and it ended disasterously (for a four year old). She was stung by a wasp at the tumbling center and was pretty hysterical when I picked her up. She never went back. She never wanted to and I was more than fine with avoiding drama. Hopefully, she sticks with it this time!

Carissa is still not crawling. I thought this was going to be the week that she just "took off". But she is more than content just rolling to wherever she wants to go. It is amazing how fast she can get across the room by just rolling. She fell in love with Pooh Bear this week and is absolutely crazy over these two stuffed Poohs we have. I have never been a big fan of Pooh myself, but whatever makes her happy is fine with me. She hugs and kisses them and it so sweet! She loves to hug her mama too and it just melts my heart. She is the sweetest little thing.

Carissa is starting to eat a little more finally. This child doesn't like anything! I have been feeding her cereal and baby food for about three months now and she spits 98 percent of it back out at me. But this week she did eat a little more than usual, so maybe she's finally decided milk just ain't gonna cut it. She also discovered that she likes those Biter Biscuits made for babies. Very messy but yummy. Here's a pic of her and her biscuit.

Funny quote of the week: "Please hurry Mommy! Hand me the GermX! I need to suck my thumb NOW!!!!" - Maleah Cooper, age 4

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