Sunday, November 15, 2009

Now Accepting Coats and Purple Hippos

We've had a good week here at the Cooper's. We're all still healthy and I'm so thankful for that! I hope I didn't just jinx us though. I didn't take any pictures this week (What's wrong with me??). So, instead I've included some "oldies but goodies" here and there.

Maleah did great at her tumbling class and one of her teacher's told me that she is a very good listener. That made me feel pretty good. She doesn't always listen to me but at least she listens to others. That's a relief! This coming week there is going to be a puppet show at her school for the pre-k kids at the exact same time as her tumbling class. I told her that she would have to choose which one she wanted to go to. She said that she chose to "go to both!!" Umm, no. They are at the same time. Which one do you want to go to? She said she'd get back to me on that one. It will be interesting to see which one she chooses. Kind of crazy that a four-year old has scheduling conflicts.

Our sorority is sponsoring a coat drive. We are accepting new and gently-used coats, hats, and gloves and also monetary donations to buy what we are lacking. So all of you local readers, if you have nice coats that aren't being used, send them my way! You can call me to come pick them up or there are drop off boxes at Wal-Mart, IGA, and a few other places. Also, if you know anyone that might benefit from this program, please let them know that there will be a pick-up day on December 12 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the county health department.

Carissa has been a funny little character this week. She has the sweetest personality. She is Maleah's biggest fan. Anything that Maleah does cracks Carissa up! Carissa has started to scoot just the tiniest bit forward. I wouldn't call it crawling but it's close. She still prefers to roll everywhere. This morning in church she played quietly on my lap and then fell asleep with her face all snuggled against me. Oh, so sweet! I don't think Maleah ever fell asleep in my arms. She always insisted on a bed. I don't blame her but it's nice having one that wants to snuggle. Carissa set a personal record today and ate an entire jar of baby food at one meal. Maleah said "Mom, aren't you so proud of her?!" Yes, I am. I was starting to think she was trying to exist on milk alone.

Maleah has a pretty short Christmas list this year. All summer she had told me that all she really wanted for Christmas was balloons. One latex balloon blown up by her dad, with air and not helium, can last weeks around here and provide way more entertainment value than many other toys that cost me oh so much more money. I was fine with balloons for Christmas. I thought that was a great idea! But of course, as Christmas has grown closer and the commercials more fantastic, her list has grown. This year she has decided that she really wants a Pillow Pet. They are advertised regularly on channels such as Disney and Nickelodeon. What is it, you ask? Well, it is a pillow that folds in half and looks like a stuffed animal. They make them in about 20 different "pets". She immediately decided that she wanted the purple hippo when she first saw the commercial. I pulled up the website and she looked them over very closely. There was a pretty pink hippo but she wasn't interested in that or the cute puppy or panda. It had to be the purple hippo. I found out last week that Hallmark stores are carrying these pets and since I was out shopping on Saturday I decided to check them out. Would you believe that the purple hippo is nowhere to be found? Sure found a lot of pink hippos though. A nice lady at the Hallmark store called around to at least ten different stores to check for me and no purple hippo. The good news is that I can order it online. I'll have to pay shipping, but oh well. It has to be the purple hippo. When I came home from shopping I talked with Maleah a little bit about the hippo and told her that there didn't seem to be any purple ones nearby. Her response? "That's okay, Mom. I think Grandma can get it for me. Or maybe I'll ask Santa!"

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