Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Living with the Paparazzi

Hello everybody!  I hope everybody is doing great.  The girls are both starting to feel better here.  Carissa ended up with an ear infection and I could not get that girl to take her medicine for anything.  She gagged, sputtered, screamed, covered her mouth, threw a fit, and threw up everytime I gave it to her.  So I had to call the doctor and change to a different medicine.  She is still fighting me on this one but she isn't throwing it back up, so that's good.  She is finally starting to get better.  Whew!  I've never had to deal with that before.  Maleah always loved taking medicine and would've probably drank the whole bottle if I'd let her.  Carissa prefers Similac and Similac only. 

I saw a surgeon today and it is confirmed that I have to have my gallbladder removed.  I am pretty nervous about it and am not looking forward to it at all.  I have never had surgery before and was hoping I would never have to.  But I really want to start feeling better.  After the surgeon finished telling me about the small chance of everything that could happen but probably won't, I was about to back out.  I kept thinking "maybe it will just go away and I'll start feeling better".  But then I ate supper and remembered exactly why I am doing this:  because I don't want to feel sick and have pain after I eat every time.  Apparently veggie burgers pretending to be chicken patties really trigger my gallbladder.  I won't make that mistake again. 

Carissa was a funny little character this week.  She has turned into a real mess maker.  And she is fast!!  While I had my back turned she got into the diaper bag that I had left sitting by the front door.  She pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies that I had stashed in there to prevent "maleah meltdowns".  She dumped those out and chowed down.  By the time I got over there she had already eaten half of one and so I just let her finish.  So she was a chocolatey gooey mess by the time she finished.  I was busy and didn't have time to bathe her yet so I just let her play for a few more minutes.   Well, by then she had moved on to the cracker puffs that she likes to eat.  She dumped the whole container out on the floor and decided to eat those.  Now I know that I have said that she doesn't eat much and let me tell you if I had wanted her to sit and eat, she probably wouldn't have.  But since it was on her own terms and she was calling the shots, she was fine with it.  What does this say about her?  She is already proving to be very independent.   I am going to have my hands full in a few more years I bet.

Here she is chowing down on a tomato slice.  Probably not something I would've thought to offer her but she reached for it off the top of her Dad's taco salad and actually liked it.  She ate about half of it.  Kind of weird if you ask me.  She must get that from her Dad.  : )

Maleah didn't have school today and she was pretty disappointed about it.  She misses her friends when there is so school.  But she did get to see her buddies Sophia and Maddy.  So she was happy about that.  She played all afternoon with them and then went to tumbling this evening.  So needless to say, she fell asleep early tonight.  She was lights out by 8:30.  She has been really busy the last few days taking pictures.  She's actually pretty good with the camera.  It's really interesting to look through her pictures and see things from her point of view.  She also took some really bad pictures (especially of me) but there were good ones in the bunch.  Here are a few that I think are interesting...


I think she sees me as very tall!!  I am also her favorite subject.  lol.  I've never had so many pictures taken of me in my life!  It's like I live with the paparazzi!Baby Polar Bear, all tucked into bed

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