Wednesday, March 10, 2010

200 Questions

Hi again blog readers.  It's hard to believe another week has came and went.  Phew.  They fly by fast around here.  We have been in the middle of planning birthday parties this week.  And it is a lot of work!  I've been a little stressed out trying to get everything done.  My girls' birthdays are four days apart.  The good thing about that is that we get birthdays over with in one week.  The bad thing about that is it is a lot to deal with all in the same week.  Maleah had her heart set on having a skating party this year.  And you only turn five once, right?  So she's having one and she wants to invite everyone she knows.  She is so excited!  She can hardly stand it.  It should be a lot of fun.  The following weekend we're going to have a family party and celebrate Carissa's 1st Birthday.  I can't believe my baby is going to be one!!

In other news, Carissa is now officially off of formula.  Woo hoo!  That stuff is expensive and I'm glad we don't have buy it anymore or mess with it.  She is still not a good eater but has tried a few new things this week that she likes.  Her favorite thing is a baby cone from Dairy Queen.  If you hand her one of those, don't expect to get it back.  She won't let go of it for nothing.  They're a little messy and not the healthiest choice but at least she's getting some calories in her.  She ate two strawberries today.  She thought they were pretty yummy.  And she also ate a few bites of spaghetti yesterday.  I wouldn't think she could be full from as little as she eats but maybe she's just going to be like her Daddy and eat like a bird for the rest of her life. She definitely doesn't get it from me.

Maleah is doing great.  She has really been enjoying the weather.  She loves to play outside.  She rode her bike on the driveway tonight and had a great time.  Then she took her Hannah Montana lawn chair outside and stuck a water bottle in the cup holder and sat down and said "I'm just going to sit here and relax a little bit while you clean out the car."  And that is exactly what she did.  It doesn't matter what I do, I always have an audience. 

My sorority is having their annual Beta Sigma Phi-ve K and Half Marathon on March 20th.  If any of you blog readers are interested in running, send me an email and let me know.  We are also accepting walkers for the 5K.  It should be a lot of fun and hopefully a beautiful day!

Here's that picture I was talking about last week.  We finally found Maleah's camera.  Where was it, you ask?  Behind her bedroom door under a purse and a hat, of course.  I cleaned her room from top to bottom and found it.  It is amazing how messy that room can get.  Aren't these girls cute in their matching shirts?

I answer hundreds of questions a day.  I'm serious.  One right after another around here, all day long.  Except for the two hours and 15 minutes each weekday that Maleah is at school and then her teachers take over for a little bit.  I know you've heard of 20 questions, but around here it should be called 200 questions.  Here are a few of the funny ones for the week:  "Are leprechauns real?", "But if they're not married, how are they going to have a baby?", "Spring is here?  I hope you're not getting ready to tell me that pre-k is over and I have to go to Kindergarten?", and "Why on earth would someone want such a loud motorcycle?".

Here are a few more pictures from Maleah's camera.  The one with the lips cracks me up. 

Yes, I let her take her camera into Walmart.  I was hoping she would take a really funny picture of somebody so that we could send it to the "People of Walmart" website.  I think it's a good idea to have a camera ready while you're in Walmart.  You just never know.

We're going shopping this weekend for the girls' birthdays!  Can't wait to show you guys what they're getting!

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