Maleah had a skating party at the Fairfield Skating Rink again this year. She invited all of her friends and had a really great time. She was so happy that so many of her friends came to her party. She truly appreciated that everyone took the time to come to her party. She had fun skating and playing the games. She was especially happy that she won the limbo game. We had a beautiful black, white, and hot pink zebra striped cake that was made by Jason's cousin Lora. It was beautiful and delicious. I think it was one of the best cakes ever. Maleah opened presents after we had cake and she then she got to put her handprint on the wall of the skating rink. Each time someone has a birthday party there they get to put their handprint on the wall. She did it last year too during her party and then a few weeks after that they put a display case against the wall and completely covered up her handprint. I think she got a better spot this year and I don't think it will be covered up.
We also sang Happy Birthday to Carissa at the party. She blew out her two candles in a split second. (She's fast.) She also skated for the first time. That lasted about five minutes. Then she was over that. She liked just walking around visiting with everyone. Here are some pictures from that party:
Carissa roller skating for the first time!
Carissa and Grandma Sherrel
Getting ready to do her handprint.
Maleah's actual birthday was on Tuesday and she had a great day. She opened presents at home in the morning, went to school, and then I took her to Effingham to get her nails done and to do some shopping. She loved everything. She is such a happy girl. She was just having the best day. We ate at Lonestar and she got to spend $20.00 at Claire's. What more could a girl want? Well, actually, she really wanted a sewing machine, a guitar, Squinkees (miniature animal thingies) and Heely's (shoes with wheels in the heel). I think she was a little disappointed that she hadn't gotten those things because that is all she had asked for. I gently reminded her that she still had two family parties to come - one with the Oestreichs and one with the Coopers. She was okay with that. She laughed hysterically during her pedicure. She is so ticklish. She had a hard time deciding between Lonestar and Kentucky Fried Chicken but decided to go with Lonestar for her supper. I'm glad she did. It was very good.
Laughing during the Pedi
Free birthday dessert at Lonestar

Maleah got a pair of camo pants from Jason and me. She loves camo! I don't know why but she does. So when I saw these pants when I was in Children's Place I grabbed them. It was a coincidence that our friend Julie bought Maleah a camo hat that matched the pants. So here is Maleah on her way to school on the day after her birthday. Notice the flip flops - the weather on her birthday and after her birthday was beautiful! It was so warm and sunny!
Okay, so then Saturday rolled around and it was Carissa's birthday! Yay Carissa! I can't believe she is two years old already! Here are some cute pictures of her from the past week or so.
Carissa in her birthday outfit. I made the shirts for her and Maleah.
The house was quiet and I found her under her sister's loft bed playing babies.
Wherever Carissa is, Eloise is usually very close by.
She got new sunglasses for her birthday!
Trying on her sister's fake glasses. So cute!
She had fun opening her presents and we had a family party at my Mom and Dad's that evening. We went with the whole zebra and hot pink theme again. The cake was beautiful again and tasted great. The girls had a great time and Maleah got her sewing machine (thanks Grandma and Grandpa!), guitar (thanks Uncle Randy and Aunt Janet!), and Heely's (thanks Aunt Angie, Aunt Patty, Andrea, and Abby!). Carissa got some fun stuff too. It was a really fun party!
Cake #2
Me and my girls in our party attire.
Maleah in her shirt that I made her.
Maleah opening her sewing machine.
Maleah getting her first guitar lesson from Aunt Janet.
And finally here is a picture of Carissa on her birthday. It snowed on her birthday this year. We got about two inches or so. It was a big change from the weather on Maleah's birthday. I couldn't get her to look at the camera for anything. She only wanted to look at the snow. It was a beautiful snow! But now we are ready for spring. Bring it on...
On Sunday we had the third and final party for the girls at the Coopers. Maleah got her Squinkees (thank you Craig and LuAnn) and Carissa got some fun things too. We had a great meal with Jason's parents. I forgot my camera that day (just forgotten though, not lost) and I didn't get any pictures. Grandma Sherrel made the girls a yummy chocolate sheet cake that day though. All of this cake is not helping me get ready for swimsuit season!
And.... here is my big news for the week. I have been planning on going on a girl's shopping weekend in Nashville for this upcoming weekend for months now. I have been looking forward to shopping and hanging out with my friends from our old playgroup, Deb and Kate. I found out today that Deb has a friend who works at the Grand Ole Opry and he is getting us BACKSTAGE PASSES for Friday night's show! I am so psyched! Kellie Pickler is going to be there and I think I'll get to meet her! Yay! The last time the playgroup moms went to Nashville we met Gretchen Wilson and Cowboy Troy on the sidewalk. I am so so so excited! I can't wait for the weekend!
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