Sunday, October 31, 2010

Okay, so a cheerleader and Elvis walk into a bar...

Just kidding!  We didn't go into a bar of course but we did have the best Halloween ever!

The girls went from one fun activity to another.  I'm more than a little worn out.  My house looks like a cross between a candy factory and a scene from Hoarders.  It is a mess.  And I have no energy to clean it up.  It's going to have to wait until tomorrow.  We have candy, costumes, coats, and shoes strung all over the place.  It really won't take me that long to get cleaned up, it's just annoying that the less time we spend at home, the messier it gets.  How does that happen?  I guess if I'm home I am continually cleaning up after the Mini Coopers, but if we're constantly running from one place to another nothing gets picked up only dropped off onto the kitchen table and the floor. 

The Halloween fun started on Tuesday when Maleah got to wear her costume to her tumbling class and then after that we went to Grandma Sherrel and Grandpa Clarence's for trick or treat. The girls had so much fun! The fun continued on Wednesday morning when Maleah got to dress up for her class party. Carissa sat this one out and stayed home with Daddy while I helped with the class. It was so fun to see all of the cute little boys and girls in the costumes. They all looked great. Maleah had fun and really made a great Elvis. She got lots of compliments on her costume.  Below is Maleah and one of her besties, Erica.

The real K2

Thursday night we had trick or treat night here in Flora.  We had so much fun!  Jason had to work but I took the kids around town with my friend Deb and her kids.  Our group looked so cute and we had a really nice time.  Maleah really got into it this year.  Carissa was a good girl and rode in her stroller without complaining.  We all ended up at my Mom and Dad's for their annual party and ate chili and my Mom's famous homemade donuts.  Deee-licious!!  Thanks Mom!  Our friends, the Kuhlig's, came out and joined us this year along with the McNeely's, the Atwood's, the Wilson's, plus lots of family came too.  It is one of my favorite nights of the year.  It would've been more fun if Jason could've been there.  But oh well, somebody has to work around here, because I'm retired (according to Maleah).  By the way, Carissa was really not into having her picture taken and Maleah was.  Therefore, I have lots of good pictures of Elvis and lots of bad pictures of my little cheerleader.

Okay, by the time Friday rolled around, I was exhausted. The week of non-stop running was catching up with me and my butt was dragging. My little book that I write all our activities is hard to read because there is so much stuff scribbled in for the week. Not only did we have a lot of Halloween stuff going on but I also had a several other appointments and activities this week. Note to self: take it down a notch and quit trying to fit everything in.

Anyway, on Friday night we went to the Louisville Fall Festival and Maleah performed with Das-zle.  She danced and she cheered.  It was the first time the mini cheerleaders performed and she did great!  She was the one who yelled "Set, ready!" and then all of the other cheerleaders followed her lead and they did the cheer.  I was so proud of her! 
Saturday was parade day.  Maleah walked with her Daisy Girl Scout troop in the Louisville Fall Festival parade and then rode on the float with Das-zle at the Flora Halloween parade.  She was exhausted by the end of the day.  We all were really.  Carissa was exhausted from watching two parades.  She loved every minute of it though.  I was reminded again of just how fast that kid is.  She repeatedly tried to run away during the Flora parade (what is up with that?) and she is like lightning!  Now you see her, now you don't.  But by the middle of the Flora parade she had started to pick up candy and really got into it.  Someone was even passing out little stuffed animals and gave her a stuffed puppy.  She was thrilled!  She hugged and kissed it.  She is so sweet when she is standing still. 
Now it is Sunday and we had a Harvest Party at church tonight, followed by trunk or treat.  It was the final time for the Elvis costume to be worn and boy was Maleah happy about that!  She had begun to hate that wig.  She told me "I'm over being Elvis, Mom".  We had a wonderful night with the church family.  We went on a hayride at Oil Belt camp.  Maleah hates hay rides and barely tolerates the hay touching her.  She brought one of her blankets with her and decided to wrap it completely around her so that no hay actually touched her.  Smart girl.  Carissa, on the other hand, loved the hay.  She grabbed handfuls of it and thought it was fascinating.  Had I have let her, she probably would've rolled around in it like a farm animal while her sister looked on in disgust.  I'm not sure yet, but I think there might be a little bit of tomboy in Carissa. 
Tomorrow I am saying goodbye to the Halloween decorations and hello to my pilgrim friends.  My cute pilgrim decorations have been in the basement anxiously awaiting the three weeks of every year that they get to make themselves useful.  Someone on the radio the other day said that Thanksgiving was right around the corner.  Maleah said "Thanksgiving???  Aunt Kayyyy!!!!!".  I think seeing Aunt Kay is her favorite part about the holiday.  It will be here before we know it and you guys know how fast Christmas sneaks up on us as soon as Thanksgiving is over.  I love the holidays!
Don't call me this week before 10 a.m., I might still be in bed trying to recover from all of this Halloween madness.

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