Other, less funny, things that have happened over the past week include getting all of the Girl Scout cookies delivered and the money collected, me reading a book to Maleah's class, the Harry Potter premiere (yay!)and roller skating, among our regular day-to-day activities.
Carissa continues to amaze me. She is becoming obsessed with the moon and the remote. She wanders around the living room, shrugging her shoulders and putting her hands up saying "mote?, 'mote??" She is thinking "Where is that thing? I want to turn it to Dora". She loves the remote way more than she likes sitting still to watch a show. She also is totally in love with the moon right now. She is always looking for it outside and telling me over and over that she has spotted it. "Moon!! Moon!!!" she'll say. Tonight she bit a round tortilla chip in half and handed it to me. She said "Moon!" and handed me a perfectly shaped crescent moon chip. How smart is she?? I was totally impressed. I think that shows several things about her intelligence. 1: She is able to associate the things in her memory with what she is doing now. 2. She realizes that the moon is sometimes full, sometimes not. 3. And she has an imagination. I know everybody thinks their own kids are super smart but mine really are! Hey, it's my blog. I can brag if I want to.
So, the moment I had been waiting for was Friday night. The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows premiere! I was so super excited! So was my friend Bethany and her husband, Mat. We had all decided to dress up for the event. I went as Hermione, Bethany as Tonks, and Mat as Lupin. Bethany's friend Dee Dee met us there and she went as Professor McGonagall. We looked so awesome! It was so much fun! We were the only ones at that theater that had dressed up but that didn't matter. I think it made it better actually. I would've been bummed if someone else there had a better Hermione outfit than me. We even had wands and I carried a book that said "Hogwarts: A History" because Hermione loves that book. I wore a "time turner" around my neck. I know some people probably thinks it's hilarious that we dressed up but we really didn't care if we looked a bit ridiculous (but I don't think we did) because we were having so much fun! Just because you're a grown-up doesn't mean that you can't have fun. I don't want to be boring. You only live once, people! Anyway, Jason couldn't go because he had to work and we didn't want to wait on him to have a day off. No, just kidding. We would've waited on him but it was also deer season. So it would've been a really long wait and he's just not into Harry Potter like I am anyway. He didn't care that we went without him. We heard several people say "Man, I wish we would've dressed up!" and "Why didn't we think of that?" Here are some pics of my and my friends at the theater. By the way, the movie was awesome!!!
Today we went to a skating birthday party for Maleah's friend Katrina. Maleah loves to skate so much and had a great time. Here are some pics of her having some skating fun.
I feel like there was a lot more to write about this week but I can't remember what it was! Ha Ha! I must be getting old. Or maybe I'm just tired. Yeah, that's it. That's got to be it. Have a great week everybody!
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