TWO POUNDS, 15 OUNCES!!! That's right, he is almost three pounds!! I am super excited about that. Can you tell?
He is doing just awesome! He has been digesting all of his food and breathing like a champ with the cannula. Tonight I helped give him a bath, change his diaper, and take his temperature. I had the nurse take our picture. When I pick him up, I can just tell he weighs more. And there is actually a little bit of puffiness to him and his belly is rounded, whereas before he looked as if his skin was glued to his bones and there was nothing in between.
He likes his little purple pacifier and sometimes he can really get going on it. The drawback is that he hasn't mastered his ability to suck and breathe at the same time. Soo, if he does it for very long he usually has a heartrate drop and then they take it away from him. But tonight after his bath he was trying so hard to get his hands in his mouth and instead he kept pulling his cannula out of his nose. So I gave him the pacifier and he was so content. But then his heartrate dropped after a few minutes and the paci had to go. Oh well. Here's a picture of him while he was happily getting some paci time:

This picture shows the green cannula that helps give him some air and the orange tube is the feeding tube that goes down his nose. The tan patch on his cheek is just a thing that helps hold the cannula in place. All of that has a ton of tape over it because he constantly trying to pull it all out. The thing he is laying in is called a snuggli and it keeps him from rolling around and it keeps him sort of swaddled. He likes the closeness of it. I sort of wish they made them in adult sizes. It looks pretty comfy.
Here are some pictures from yesterday. He was so bright eyed and was busy looking around that I wanted to get a picture. But he blinked every time from the darn flash.
In the background of this picture you can see a green leather couch and a curtain. I can pull the curtain closed and then the couch makes into a bed. It is pretty comfortable and I usually sleep good, despite the nurses coming and going. With the curtain shut, I don't notice them. I have a bathroom, shower, laundry facilities, kitchen, etc, just down the hall. It is very nice.
I forgot to mention that they moved him to a new room the other day. He is now in room 42 of the Elephant Pod. Before he was in room 2 in the Kangaroo Pod. It is not really a step up or anything but they closed down the Kangaroo Pod because they were down to only 60 babies in the nicu. He was the only baby left in that pod so they moved him. There are four pods in the green nicu (which is the acute care nicu). Each pod has about 11 private rooms. There are also that many pods in the yellow nicu (which is the "feeders and growers" nicu). We are hoping to get there soon. The nicu usually has at least 75 babies in it but can hold over 100, counting the multiples rooms. Anyway, the move worked out great for us because they put Silas in a room that is usually for twins. That means that I have way more room in my part of the room. I thought I was spoiled before in the little room but now I really am. I have my bed, my recliner, my pump, my suitcase, a closet, shelfs, and lots of space left. This nicu has all private rooms. Nobody has to share a room, unless it's with their siblings. It is the largest, most advanced nicu in the midwest. It is also the only one in it's care level that has all private rooms. Most people from Flora aren't familiar with this hospital but it is the biggest and best around. It is only about ten minutes or so past Children's/Barnes on I64.
Here are some pictures of our first room:
This is his shelf with all of his gifts on it.
This was his cute bulletin board that the nurses update everyday
with his weight. One nurse was very creative!!
My couch was purple in this room and there wasn't as
much room between the couch and the curtain.
Today a therapist came by to teach me infant massage. Silas decided he liked it and fell right asleep in my arms. He is so sweet.
That is all for tonight. Your prayers are working and Silas is growing! Thank you!