Hi everybody. Okay, first of all, you may notice that I got today's date right in the headline. Apparently for the past week I have been a day off. I am blaming it on the new computer. It has been set to the wrong date all along. I changed it today and from now on I should get it right. Hopefully.
Silas is doing good. He is still on the ventilator but doing really good with it. He's not quite ready to come off of it again. He is still taking my breast milk through the feeding tube. He is constipated today and needs to poop again. His body can do it, it's just that it's a slow process.
They did a couple of tests on him today that they do on all premature babies when they are a week old. One was an ultrasound of his head to check for brain bleeds and the other is an echocardiogram of his heart. The doctors haven't seen any evidence of any of these problems but they just do these tests on ALL of their babies at one week. The results are not back yet. I should find out tomorrow what the results are. Hopefully, everything comes back normal.
As for me, I have not been doing as great. I have had a lot of pain and it got much worse on Sunday night. I called the doctor and they think that I either have a urinary tract infection or a uterine infection. They sent me to Clay County Hospital for a urinalysis today and I will get the results tomorrow. Hopefully, it is just a urinary infection and I will start feeling better very soon. In the meantime, I am still having a lot of pain so please say a prayer for me and that I will feel better soon. It is very hard on me to feel this bad and to be so helpless. Jason is still off of work and is taking very good care of me. I don't know what I would do without him. I am so ready to feel like myself again.
Please continue praying for my family. We can use all the prayers we can get! Thank you all so much.
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago
Praying for all of your family. Hope you feel better soon. Yes the power of prayer is amazing. As we know, with "God" all things are possbile.