Silas is doing good today. I called and checked on him throughout the day, since I am in Flora today. He weighed 2 lb. 1.5 oz. today! Yay! That is the first time that he has weighed more than his birth weight. I am so happy that he is growing. They increased his feedings today and finished the medication he needed to close his heart valve. He is already showing signs of breathing better on his own. They put the cpap machine on him and are preparing to take off the ventilator. I am hoping that it comes out tomorrow and hoping and praying that he can handle being without it. The nurses really didn't have that much to tell me because he is doing good and not much changed today.
The bad news is that today I had the slightest sore throat off and on throughout the day. I am so paranoid that I am going to get sick and then end up making him sick that it is very worrisome. Hopefully, it will be gone tomorrow but in the meantime until I am sure that I am not getting sick I am staying in Flora. Maleah also felt bad this morning and yesterday. She complained of a headache and just generally feeling kind of lousy. She spent most of the day in her pj's and on the couch. She felt much better by this evening though and was back to her perky self. So please continue to pray that we all stay well and healthy and that little Silas makes good progress this week! Thank you all so much!
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago
Yeah Silas! Keep growing buddy! Hope all the Coopers stay nice and HEALTHY. C