Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday Evening

This is Penny, Beth's friend, relaying a brief message for Beth. I just came back from visiting them and he truly is amazing! He's working hard at being independent already!! Anyway, Beth's computer was broken tonight, so she is unable to skype with her girls or access her blog/facebook. She asked me to update her blog for her as soon as I got home, and apologizes to you all that updates will be few and far between for a while. She will ask her mom or myself to update her blog with new developments! Also, she is very, very, very appreciative for all the prayers-so please keep them coming. So, as I mentioned before, Silas is Mr. Independent! He is now breathing on his own-NO VENTILATOR! He also has a feeding tube, which means he is able to eat his mommy's breast milk. He is a bit jaundice, so he gets to glow like a glow worm for a while. Did I mention that he truly is ADORABLE? He has long fingers, and is quite the shaker/mover. He was pushing the nurse away while she was messing with him. The nurse made the comment while I was there that he has a strong grip as well! Did I mention he is ADORABLE? Oh, I swear I heard him say "Penny" while visiting. However, nobody else heard it, so..... Anyway, I apologize that I'm not as great/creative with the writing, but it is 11:30 at night and I don't have the creative juices that our Beth has! Oh, did I mention the he is ADORABLE???? Good night to all, and please, please, please keep praying!!

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