Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday (February 27)

Silas has been doing great since his surgery.  He was a little sore for the first few hours and would cry when he moved his legs but that didn't last long.  He has two small incisions that are healing up just fine.  He has been taking most of his bottles and is working up to taking every one of them.  They took the nasal cannula (that gives him a tiny puff of air) off of him on Saturday.  He went without it until Sunday night but then he had to have it put back on.  He was having too many desaturations (not enough oxygen flowing in his body) without it.  Basically, he just wasn't breathing as well without it, especially while he was eating.  It wears him out to take his bottles.  The doctor compared him taking one bottle to us running one mile.  It takes a lot of energy out of his little body to do that.  But he is working hard on it and if he gets to the point where he can take every one of his bottles, he can go home.  The doctor said maybe this weekend if Silas holds up his end of the bargain.  We shall see.

On Saturday Jason and I took our two required classes - a discharge class and a cpr class.  It was not fun at all and I don't think it should be required.  The discharge class was total common sense stuff.  "When you give your baby a bath, make sure the water is not too hot and not too cold.  If the baby's butt is red, you might want to use some Desitin."  This is my third baby, yeah, I got it.  I was a little annoyed by the whole thing.  Especially since the girl sitting next to me (who took notes and totally needed to be there because she had no common sense) smelled like an ashtray.  She gave me an instant headache from her stench and I wanted to puke the whole time I was in the classroom.  It was not a pleasant experience.  As for the cpr class, it was a nice refresher that a nurse could have went over with us in the room in about 10 to 15 minutes.  Instead we sat in a classroom for an hour and a half next to a chimney with bright blue hair that hadn't been washed in a month.   If you smoke like a freight train, you need to bathe regularly.  Soap is cheap.  Heck, it's actually free in the hospital.  I know Jesus loves her though and I should try harder.  I am going to work on that.

We were back home on Sunday and Jason and I and the girls all had a nice lunch with my parents.  After that Jason and my Dad took the girls fishing.  Mom and I hung some uppercase living and a curtain that Mom had made for Silas' room.  (Actually, she hung it all and I watched.)  Then I had to empty out my freezer of all of my breastmilk to make room for this week's breastmilk.  I took all that I had to my Aunt Angie's and filled up her deep freeze.  I now have breastmilk stored in at least four locations across town.  I am always looking for more freezers to fill though.

Now today, I am back in St. Louis.  Silas was glad to see his Mommy today.  He has had a great day.  On Saturday he weighed 5 lb 4 oz but then on Sunday he was back down to 5 lb 2 oz.  Tonight he weighed 5 lb 3 oz.

Here are some recent pictures:

This is one of my favorite little outfits.  It is from his "Aunt Penny"
 and is a size newborn!  He has outgrown almost all of his preemie clothes!

This is on the morning of his surgery.  This is what they put him in
to wheel him to surgery.  Poor baby!

This was taken on Valentine's Day.  I loved this little green sleeper.
It was a preemie size and he was just about too long for it.

Four pounds, 7.8 ounces! 

This beautiful hat was knit for him by his Great Aunt Cheryl.
It just fits and he wears it a lot.  So cute!

In other news, while I drive over here to St. Louis, a lot of my thinking is arranged into facebook statuses.  Although I can not post as I'm driving, here are some random things that cross my mind:

What is so hard to understand about four way stops?  And why do some people feel the need to stop 500 feet behind the white stop line just so they technically stopped first?  That doesn't count!  Scoot your butts on up to the stop sign and wait your turn!

If you are being passed on the right, you are in the wrong.  Get over.  Driving slow in the fast lane should be punishable by up to a year in Mexico and not being allowed bottled water.

Why does everybody from Iuka feel the need to pull out on Route 50 without fully stopping?  Are their lives so busy that they can't wait two seconds for me to drive past.  Does my car have a sign on it that says "I love when people from Iuka pull out in front of me!"?  (This whole statement can also apply to people from Watson who pull out onto Route 45.)

Just because it is called Route 50, does not mean that you have to drive 50.  The speed limit is 55.  Please at least go that fast.

Not all of my thoughts are about other people's driving habits though.  Every time I drive by Barnes Hospital on my way to Mercy I think that they should just add a few turrets and change their name to Hogwarts.  How cool would that be?

Here are some pics from tonight.  This blue outfit I bought for Silas right after I found out I was having a boy.  It is his "coming home" outfit but we are trying it out tonight.  It is a size newborn and is big on him.  Every brand is different in size, that's for sure.  The orange tube in his nose is his feeding tube and he is trying to yank it out in all of these pictures.  He is also hungry and is saying "quit taking my picture and feed me!"

That's all for tonight.  Thank you for the prayers and please continue them for our little man.


  1. He's so cute! Love him! <3 I am SO shocked none of your driving updates are about STL drivers. Ha! They can be PRETTY bad themselves. Sorry about the smelly folks. Things like that do make us uncomfortable sometimes. It seems like ciggy smoke smell is just so hard to get away from its so strong on clothes and things. I am glad that whole thing is DONE. Hope that you have a day full of good news about Silas and only fresh smelling folks! Love you guys!

  2. From Courtney Davis:

    I am so happy about all of Silas's progress! That is just awesome! Praise be to God!
    That is SO cool about the surgeon praying with you! What a comfort to know that he is a believer too!
    And let me just shout out a huge AMEN about the driving stuff! We say that ALL the time about the Watson intersection! So annoying!
    Also, double Amen about the smoking girl! I'm not saying she was on welfare or anything, but what REALLY annoys me is when people come in, seeking assistance, and they reek of cig smoke. I say if you can afford cigs you should be able to buy your own food & gas.
    OK, sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.
    Thanks for sharing all your updates & pics. I love hearing all the details!
    8-) Courtney

  3. So glad all is progressing well! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pics!!!!! I just want to hold him, snuggle and kiss him!!! So precious!!!!
    I agree with you about the pulling out in front of you part. For the last 3.5 years that I have been driving to E'ham this occurs EVERYWHERE!!!! Most go a few feet & turn off...with NO ONE behind me...can't they wait!?
    I have also dealt with the cig smell!! Makes me sick & if prolonged, I get a headache!
    BTW, I was at Mercy last Friday for a patient's appointment...looks as if it is a nice place!
    I think of you often & look forward to your updates!

  4. Thanks Corinne! I am sure that you NEVER smelled like this girl even when you smoked. I have never smelled anything quite like her before. And I really think Illinois drivers are worse than the STL drivers!
    Thanks Courtney! Glad you understand. We can stand on the same soapbox. lol.
    Thanks Cathy! He is fun to snuggle with that's for sure. That would have been something if I would have ran into you here on Friday! You could have stopped by the nicu.
